The largest companies in the industry run on Pool Brain


Add labels and pictures to line items in the field or on the web. Send to customer with a tap. Job is auto-created when approved.


Use one time job templates to add common or complex workflows in seconds. Invoice is auto-created when job is closed.

Invoices & Payments

Create and manage all your invoices/payments directly in Pool Brain. Automatic or manual billing. Per visit or flat rate. Advance or arrears.


Optimize with one click. Drag & drop anything anywhere. One time moves easily cover the unexpected. Real time progress indicators.

Guided Workflows

Tasks can't be skipped, forgotten or cheated. Correct actions are performed at the correct times. Less training, mistakes and turnover.

Custom Alerts

Never do random follow ups in the heat again or search through reports for potential issues. Chemicals, Flow, Leaks, Time, Cost and more.

Multiple Bodies of Water

Manage pricing, workflow, equipment, cost and more by body of water. Easy to add or edit any type with no limits.

Chem Use, Cost & Dosing

Chemical dosing is automatically calculated in the app when technician enters readings.
Chem use & cost is automatically tracked.

Filter Clean Management

Filter and Salt Cell clean jobs are auto-created based on any schedule you choose. Last cleaned date is auto-updated when job is completed.


Chem Spend


Training Time


Green Pools


Complaint Calls


Client Retention

Quotes become jobs. Jobs become invoices. Automatically.​

Customizable Alerts

Our pool company software monitors all the variables and detects issues before your customer does. No alerts? No problems.


Set high or low out of range
triggers for all chemical readings


Know when impellers clog or
filters need backwashing


AWLs hide underground pool
leaks. They can’t hide from us


Technician late start, not enough
time at job or too much time spent


Monitor chemical expenses and get
notifications on high usage

Pool Service Software - Pool Brain Technician App

You'll Love Our
Technician App

  • Guided workflows
  • Tasks can’t be skipped or overlooked
  • Report issues to office with ease
  • Automatic chemical dosing
  • Create & manage quotes
  • Gallonage calculator built in
  • Optimize routes with a tap
  • Works offline with no signal

“This app is super easy to use. It requires almost zero training. Very self explanatory. It also helps me to not forget to do something at a job.”

Tyler M.  – Pool Service Tech

Chemical Readings & Dosing History

View before or during a job

When viewing an expanded route stop or job in the app, techs can access the chem reading and dosing history before starting. If there are multiple bodies of water, the tech will be prompted to select which one they want.

Access from the Add Chemicals screen

Techs can also view the chemical reading and dosing history from the Add Chemicals or Orenda Calculator screens.

Simply drag your finger across the graph

Techs can quickly view readings and chemicals added for any time period up to 1 year by dragging their finger across the graph.

pool chemical and dosing history iPhone

Dial in each Property​

One size doesn't fit all

Every pool is unique so your workflow should be as well. Create custom tasks for any frequency. Required or optional? Photo required? Specific to a certain body of water? Set it and forget it.

Create a consistent experience

When you tailor the service to each customer's needs, the impact is huge. Retention and growth go way up. Complaints and stress go way down.

Less training. Less mistakes.

Technicians can't skip or forget to do required tasks. The correct things are done for the correct properties at the correct times no matter who services it or how well they're trained.

Multiple bodies of water? No problem

Customize for any situation

Change body of water name, type and color for easy and accurate tracking.

Not just a pretty label

You can manage workflows, price, equipment, chem use, tech pay, jobs, alerts and more by body of water. There are no limits on how many you can add.

Designed for the field

An indicator displays on the job in the app so techs know what to expect in advance. They'll see body of water details and can choose which one to work on first, next, etc.

“Great Product! Pool Brain has been nothing but great with the customer support”

Brian K – Pool Service Manager

Filter cleans on auto-pilot

( salt cell cleans too )

Integrated with Industry Leading Platforms

Do Nothing – Get Paid

Automatically invoice, charge and email

Pool Service Software - Invoicing and Billing

Charge in advance or arrears

Charge flat rate or per visit

Charge chemical usage automatically

See invoice send history

See when clients view invoices

Setup or cancel clients with ONE click

Quickbooks logo
Pool Brain handles all of your billing without any need for Quickbooks. However, you can still use QBO for your accounting or leverage their app store without having to re-enter anything.

(and importing customer info makes getting started easy)

See how much profit you're making

Pool Service Software - Profit Report
Pool service software - pool routes and optimization

Routing Done Right

Drag & Drop, One-Time Moves, Bulk Moves


1-click optimization on mobile or web

Job Status Indicators

See job status in real time by glancing at map or route

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop everything everywhere or move in bulk – the choice is yours

Cover the Unexpected

Tech called out sick? It’s easy to move pools without messing up schedules

Want to see more? There's more.


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